Mixed-Use Development: 5 Keys to Success

mixed-use development

Transportation-oriented projects with commercial opportunities are the perfect fit for infill projects

Mixed-use development can be a winning proposition if the architectural design, building amenities, and commercial tenants are appropriate for the neighborhood.

Consumers Like Mixed-Use Developments

Consumers are showing a preference for communities that feature amenities and walkability. Instead of large-scale residential developments where everything is a drive away, the new norm is small infill projects with access to public transportation and commercial opportunities. Mixed use with retail and office, as well as residential amenities are coming to the fore.

During the downturn, mixed use residential options became more competitive with foreclosures than new homes in residential-only developments. In more mature communities where transportation and services infrastructure already exists, this was even more the case. Cities across the US have revitalized their downtown areas and close suburbs with such infill projects.

What Makes Mixed-Use Work

  1. Housing to fill unmet or underserved needs
  2. Carefully chosen commercial tenants
  3. Neighborhood and community serving amenities
  4. Proximity to public transportation
  5. Quality architecture and finishes that respect the heritage of the neighborhood

Commercial tenants must be chosen carefully for mixed-use development so that they are appropriate for the neighborhood. New architecture should also be compatible with what’s already there. Building amenities need to be up to the standards of prospective home buyers or renters. The other issues to work out are, obviously, density, parking, and accessibility, so it’s critical to get town planners as well as neighbors on board early.

As cities and towns get denser with infill projects, it’s even more critical to incorporate the community piece early on when planning your mixed-use development. Building solid, lasting relationships with community members and leaders will help developers obtain support for their projects when they go before decision makers.

NOTE: If you need a solid strategy for building community support, check out, “Yes Vote: The Public Hearing Plan for Developers” by Katie Coates. You can get a free copy here.

By | 2018-11-21T10:41:01+00:00 November 21st, 2018|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Mixed-Use Development: 5 Keys to Success

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